Coordinated Access
What is Coordinated Access?
Coordinated access systems are an essential element of any effort to prevent and end homelessness. These systems have been in place in the United States for several years and are being implemented in a growing number of Canadian communities. Coordinated access systems are designed to streamline the process for people experiencing homelessness to access the housing and support services needed to permanently end their homelessness.
By standardizing the intake and assessment process, sharing information in real-time within a community, adopting uniform prioritization policies and coordinating referral processes, coordinated access systems connect people to the right housing and supports as efficiently as possible based on their preferences and level of need. This ensures communities get the most out of limited resources and we can more rapidly and effectively prevent and end homelessness for those in greatest need.
Your Community
While the three designated communities use a shared HIFIS, each community has implemented their own coordinated access system to address local needs. As a result, the common assessment tool and prioritization methods vary between designated communities.
For more information, select your community from the options below.